CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence on Space Technology for Disaster Mitigation



The center of excellence for space disaster reduction of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of developing countries (hereinafter referred to as the center of excellence for space disaster reduction) focuses on Cooperative Research on sdgs indicators related to disaster reduction around sustainable development goal 11 - sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and sustainable development goal 13 - Climate Action (SDG 13), and provides sdgs spatial data and information services for disaster reduction, Build a talent training and Training Center for the improvement of sdgs disaster reduction scientific and technological capacity, practice the United Nations sdgs technology promotion mechanism through disaster reduction scientific and technological innovation, serve the construction of Twas sustainable development goal scientific and technological support network, and provide disaster reduction data, methods and decision support for relevant United Nations agencies such as the United Nations Disaster Reduction Agency and developing countries to implement the 2030 agenda.

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CAS-TWAS center of excellence on space technology for disaster mitigation (SDIM) is the world's first scientific center specializing in space disaster mitigation research and technical capacity-building in developing countries. The center was established in 2013 and built based on the Institute of remote sensing and digital earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences "Project talent base" The center will use space technology, especially space earth observation technology, to carry out cooperative research on space disaster reduction with developing countries, hold training courses on space disaster reduction application technology, organize a series of academic seminars on space disaster reduction in developing countries, build a training base for space disaster reduction talents and carry out space disaster reduction activities Consultation on the scientific and strategic development of disaster reduction, so as to realize the dissemination of scientific knowledge of space disaster reduction, professional and technical training, demonstration and application promotion, talent training and scientific development planning suggestions to developing countries.

1、 Positioning

The center of excellence for space disaster reduction is a distinctive scientific research, training and personnel training base for developing countries. It is a scientific research platform with demonstration, academic leadership and high-level talents.

2、 Mission

According to the regional characteristics of natural disasters in developing countries, we will focus on Cooperative Research on space disaster reduction of drought, flood, earthquake, storm surge and other disasters, so as to improve the research capacity of space disaster reduction in developing countries.

Hold training on space disaster reduction technology and application for developing countries, build a training base for space disaster reduction science, technology and management talents, and help developing countries cultivate science, technology and management talents with broad international vision and excellent professional standards.

Hold "series of academic seminars on space disaster reduction" in developing countries to promote the exchange and development of space disaster reduction technology in developing countries.

Provide scientific research and strategic development advice on space disaster reduction for developing countries, and provide decision support for developing countries in designing space disaster reduction technology development plans and formulating space disaster reduction policies.

Rely on Twas and other international cooperation networks to promote the application and promotion of space disaster reduction technology in developing countries.

3、 Characteristic activities

1. Comprehensive cooperative research on "space disaster reduction"

According to the regional characteristics of natural disasters in developing countries, implement "space disaster reduction" The cooperative research project, aiming at disaster space risk assessment, disaster monitoring and post disaster reconstruction, guides and assists scientists in developing countries to design cooperative technical schemes, establish space disaster reduction technology application system and space disaster reduction data sharing platform, practice the rapid sharing of advanced space disaster reduction methods, models, products and data, and do a good job in the comprehensive application and application of space disaster reduction in developing countries Demonstration. Under the overall scientific framework of SDIM, according to the development status and needs of space disaster reduction technology in Asian developing countries, the "Asian space disaster reduction scientific cooperation research project" has been launched, and 11 scientific cooperation studies covering the fields of flood, drought and earthquake have been carried out with 7 developing countries such as Thailand, Mongolia and Indonesia.

2. Space disaster reduction technology and management talent plan with complete training system

With the support of CAS-TWAS Dean's scholarship program and the research fund of the center of excellence in space disaster reduction, doctoral students from developing countries will be provided with systematic training covering the combination of space data acquisition technology, space disaster reduction method theory and space disaster reduction application development theory and practice. At the same time, postdoctoral and visiting scholars from developing countries will be supported by relevant research funds At present, a total of 20 international students from developing countries are studying in SDIM. Among them, 8 international students in 2013 and 2014 received CAS-TWAS Dean's scholarship. In addition to international students, the center actively supports cooperation with high-level scholars from developing countries. At present, there are 2 developing countries Visiting scholars are studying in the center.

3. Systematic space disaster reduction technology and application training

One to two series of training courses for technical and management personnel in the field of space disaster reduction for developing countries are held every year. Each training course lasts for two weeks and the number of participants is about 20. As of October 2014, the center has held three training courses covering the development of space earth observation technology and its application in disaster prediction, monitoring, prevention and control, post disaster response, etc. the training course has passed the The systematic training of disaster reduction theory, technology and application can cultivate practical talents for space disaster reduction for developing countries in a short time and alleviate the talent gap in the field of space disaster reduction.

4. Scientific and strategic advice

In order to provide scientific strategic decision-making advice to developing countries, SDIM hosted the "first high level conference on space disaster reduction in developing countries" in Malaysia in 2013 to explore the key technologies and development needs urgently needed by developing countries in the field of disaster reduction, and launched the scientific report on the development of space disaster reduction strategies in developing countries At the same time, actively cooperate with the United Nations International Strategy for disaster reduction (UN ISDR) and other institutions to jointly enhance the combination of disaster reduction policies and scientific research achievements in space disaster reduction, so as to provide relevant support for the writing of the report.

5. Transfer of key "space disaster reduction" technologies

In terms of technology transfer, CropWatch, an agricultural remote sensing monitoring system developed by the center's scientific research team, has successfully provided comprehensive monitoring and analysis services for agricultural drought in more than 30 countries such as Pakistan, Kenya, Thailand and C ô te d'Ivoire, and has been released in Chinese and English through four annual briefings; satsee system Make full use of the existing earth observation resources of the remote sensing Earth Institute to provide low-cost and fast space disaster reduction data sharing. The system has been put into use in Kyrgyzstan and Belgium.

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  • 086-10-82995124

  • 86-10-82995123


  • No. 40 Huayanli, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, P. O. Box 9804, Beijing 100028, P. R. China