ICCES Attended the COMSATS-ANSO Symposium


On February 23, researchers and students of ICCES attended the 7th COMSATS science and technology lecture series organized, "7th Session of Lectures / Presentations on South-South and Triangular cooperation for socio-economic development in the South".


Jinghua Cao, Dean of the ANSO Secretariat, gave a presentation entitled "Insight on South-South and Triangular Cooperation in S&T". In his remarks, he outlined the operation of ANSO, noting that the powerful 56-member coalition is advocating for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and providing science-based advice and advice for decision-making.


ANSO is a non-profit, non-governmental international scientific organization founded in 2018 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 36 other international science and education institutions from around the world. ANSO came into being under the principles of "joint consultation, joint effort and joint sharing" championed by the Chinese "Belt and Road Initiative". The success and experience brought by ANSO are beneficial for ICCES to refer especially in how ANSO endeavors to implement the 17 UN SDGs over the years and shows the commitment to joining hands with other international organizations to promote the SDGs in the future.


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